Hi Chics! Today I want to tell you about a natural drink with relaxing effects: Just Calm. A cold infusion without gas with delicious red or apple flavor, I love the infusions! , And this is the perfect alternative to traditional infusion, it is super refreshing and has a unique flavor.
Just Calm helps to relax the mind and to improve the concentration, perfect for times of much work or exams in which we are to full. It has chamomile, melissa and valerian. I like this type of healthy options and try new things, the best thing is that it has a super practical packaging to take it everywhere.
This drink has been created by two young students who found a healthy alternative to coffee and stimulating soda to improve their performance and counteract stress, with a super-casual and very modern packaging. Did you know Just Calm or have you tried it? Happy Sunday to everyone !! I’m going to enjoy my #momentojustcalm. A Chic Kiss;) by Amanda Chic


One thought on “Just Calm Drink

  1. letizia
    6 de December de 2016

    da ganas de probar!nun beso y feliz 6 de diciembre jejenn

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