Hello my beauties !! Today I bring you a novelty in the market, for all those that like me you do sport. At last! There is a specific line for skin care, designed especially for women athletes, we take care and sweat giving everything in the gym hehehe 🙂 I am happy to present today this line of skin care designed for women athletes: Freskincare, os I leave here your website for you to take a look https://www.freskincare.com/
Fre skincare has a 3-step high performance treatment that combats premature aging and skin damage caused by the combination of sweat, sun and exercise. If you also like to do sports like me, I think you will like this 3-step daily treatment called 123FRE that promotes a healthy and radiant complexion.
Step 1: “Protect Me” is a water-resistant ultralight SPF30 moisturizer.
Step 2: “Purify Me”: a moisturizing facial cleanser that soothes, loosens, moisturizes and rebalances the pH of the skin after training.
Step 3: “Revive Me”: a specialized anti-aging serum that regenerates the elasticity of the skin and collagen.
All products are hypoallergenic, dermatologically tested and non-comedogenic. I like this set of products because it does not clog pores, it has an ultralight texture that is absorbed quickly and a delicious smell, with a feeling of freshness instantly, to be able to take hydrated skin while doing sports
In addition, for every 123FRE set sold, the firm supports the needy youth through sport, which I think is a wonderful initiative. For now this signature only makes shipments to the US, hopefully soon we will have it in Spain. For all my followers of the US I leave a discount code: AMANDA of 15% to use on their website https://www.freskincare.com/