Hola chic@s! Hoy continuamos con avance Primavera de la mano de la firma de People Tree con el modelo Abigail, con print abstracto en rosa y detalle drapeado.
Si buscas calidad y comodidad sin duda opta por los tejidos ecofriendly de People Tree. Y para darle un toque Chic mi nuevo bolso de Mooistore, muy funcional y Sofisticado. ¿Qué os parece este look? Un besazo
By Amanda chic
Hi lovely people ! Today i continue with and advance for this spring with the Abigail dress from People Tree with an abstract print in pink and a draping detail. If you are looking for quality and comfort without any doubt , the best option are these ecofriendly fabrics. And to end the outfit my new bag from Mooistore very practical and sophisticated . What do you think about this look? Kisses
By Amanda Chic
Photos by Cloé
Dress/vestido: People tree
Bag/bolso: Mooi Store
Shoes/ Zapatos: Parfois